Friday, April 16, 2010


Hostels notoriously have random things hiding under the beds in dorms or in the lockers, accidentally (or intentionally?) left behind by others. Socks, shirts, papers, jewelery, batteries, shoes are some of the typical finds.

Plenty of the things are surprisingly useful, so naturally end up taking them with me, when I leave for my next destination. After 2+ months of traveling though, my collecting has gotten rather annoying, because my bag's getting overfilled with junk. I can't just throw the stuff away though...I feel bad about doing that! Even after I finish reading a book, I feel bad not taking it with me because I love the image of being able to place the book in some future library shelves of my own, whilst being able to look over all the books Ive read.

Things I've added to my backpack thus far:

- a 2-person tent, from northern Tasmania

- 5 books, from various places

- snorkeling mask/snorkel, from eastern Tasmania

- a tarp, from Melbourne

- an umbrella, from Melbourne

By far, my most favorite acquisition was actually my first: in Hobart, the a Japanese girl offered me a free microphone so that I could talk with my boss over Skype. I was very happy to accept anything that is both immediately useful and free, so this girl ran off to her room and came back in a few minutes with what I imaged was a microphone headset. In this wonderfully stereotypical moment, she instead handed me a full sized karaoke microphone.

My meeting a few days later began with my boss telling me my voice sounded funny:

Boss: Is that an echo I can hear from your voice?

Me: Uhh..... no (followed by the fading no-no-no-no echo). I looked down at the microphone and decided to keep the "echo" setting on.

The only web camera photo I have ever taken with my computer, to commemorate the microphone.

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