Monday, February 2, 2009

The Cast of the WindsThatYouRise Blog

It has come to my attention that it can be difficult for you, the reader, to remember names in my blog. Whether you're an old reader or this is the first time you've check out the blog, there is a whole lot (probably too many) posts that are relevant to understanding myself and the varied personalities/importance of the friends I reference. The purpose of this post is therefore a recap on who-is-who in the WindsThatYouRise blog.

Let me first assure you: from this point on, the cast of this blog is complete. No one else will be getting a real name from now on.

So who are these friends, who challenge me and I consider important enough to name?

Xav, Tim & Mike: the 3 close, straight guy friends I hang out with the most. Relevant posts about understanding them vis-a-vis to me are here: Unsaid Thanks, Lest We Forget and 3 separate posts for Coming Out to Tim, Xav and Mike.

Liz: close, straight female friend. She's just too awesome for me. I look up to her.

Alicia: close, straight female friends whom I went to university with, however now goes to school in Australia. She was/is very important for me relaxing in my gay skin. I see her when it's possible and we still speak relevantly with one-another.

Kieran: close straight guy friend, but in a different way from Xav/Tim/Mike. I also look up to him.

I also have my family, but I strictly refer to them as Mom, Dad, Oldest Brother and Middle Brother (with me as the Youngest Brother). You don't need to search too far for post about them. I have yet to tell them I'm gay, although I'm getting very close to saying it...

The most important member of this cast is, of course, myself. I'm not gonna go find all the relevant posts about myself, although I can point you in the right direction: the first 3-4 months of posting gives a pretty good back-story to my personality and my (ongoing) coming out.

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