Thursday, February 5, 2009

Coworker: "Did you say you want to spoon with James Franco?"

Me: Let's watch the movie in your bed

Liz: Good idea

Some amount of time passes.

Liz: Our laughing is gonna make [her roommate] think we're fooling around.

Me: Whatever. If he asks you that, just tell him I'm gay.

Liz: That's not my job or right to do. You have to do that!

Me: I really don't mind. I don't care if you tell him.

We go back to watching Pineapple Express and enjoying James Franco's beautiful face, smile, body and butt.

Liz's new roommate is actually my co-worker.

I don't particularly care whether he knows I'm gay ( or straight). That being said, I wasn't completely honesty with Liz. I don't care if he knows however I don't want to have to go through the motions of telling him. He's not some sort of stranger either - I've invited him to hangout with friends and myself several times. He's a cool guy. But, at times when I could have easily mentioned I was gay, I avoided the situation. For example: A bunch of queer women I met a while back absolutely hate me now because they think I was hitting on them when I was drunk. The punchline of the retelling of this story is, of course, that it's some big misunderstanding because I'm gay, I have no interest in them and I was just being friendly. When telling this roommate/co-worker/friend, I conveniently left out the "I'm gay" part.

Where I'm going with this post, in fact, is that I'm not too sure how to go about the "Out at Work" situation. I mean, I don't care if Liz's roommate learns I'm gay, but I don't particularly feel the need or want to tell him because news could potentially spread through the company.

I don't think anyone would have a problem with that, but I'm just being cautious about it all. My boss does know that I'm gay. Liz, who also used to work at the same company as me, told him. That situation went something like this:

My Boss: I wonder how long Thomas and Alicia have been dating?
Here's the background reference for you guys: before Alicia left for med school in Australia, I gave her a job at my work. My boss assumed Alicia and I were dating.

Liz: What? Thomas is gay.

My Boss: Really? Well I like him even more now.

Yup, my boss is a big-time feminist and he's (I would underline "he's" but stupid blogger doesn't let me) loves diversity.

Still, I want to be careful about it all... even though I work from home so my coworkers are just names on Skype, whom I might see in person once every 3 months (Liz's roommate and other friends as exceptions). I don't think I would deny it, if someone asked me, but I just don't want to announce it to everyone.

And...I've lost my train of thought. I think this is all I had to write...Just thinking out loud as usual.

1 comment:

JUSTIN said...

UGH, even when he's grungy and nasty, he's still a 10. Not fair!