Monday, February 16, 2009

Call me The V-Day DJ

Since none of my relationships have ever run over Valentine's day, I've never really given credit to the day. One or two people I know LOATH the day, because they get all whinny about "not being with anyone right now" and "how lonely it is". I'm definitely not one of those people though - at worst to me it's just another day, at best it's another great reason to have fun with friends that night.

This year was no exception, as Liz had an awesome dinner party, followed by a concert at a bar and then mechanical bull riding.

...Ya, I don't know what's up with that but we really love the mechanical bull.

The nostalgia of mentioning my ultra ugly shirt from the underwear post pushed me to unleashed it once more upon the world for V-Day. With a tie [reluctantly] added, I had to admit my getup looked pretty good. I don't understand how but it was so hideous that it was beautiful. (Is that even possible?)

Unfortunately it was someone else's camera that captured me making love to the shag-carpet wall, with my ugly/beautiful shirt

Liz added the best themed ending to the dinner: kamasutra orgy chocolates.

Click to enlarge!

We were super amazed at how graphic, well-made and delicious they were. Surprisingly, they were bought from a real chocolate store, as opposed to a sex shop. Jeez, nice find!

The night was even in approval of Xav's high standards, but I have a feeling that was because he discovered a treasure-trove of bicycle parts in an alleyway. He did what came natural to him: rummage, salvage and prepare the parts for transport to his home.

Meanwhile, I did what came most natural to me: roll on the ground joyfully in the alleyway and then play dead.

Don't judge! To each his own.

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