Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The Eyes

"All of your expressions come through your eyes and eyebrows"

As odd as that might sound (eyebrows?), it's very true. For some people it's their mouth, for others it's their hand gestures and for others it's their face as a whole. For me, my eyes, and to a lesser extent my eyebrows, are the expressive key to my moods and intonation. If I'm sarcastic, you can hear it in my voice but it's the way I move my eyes and eyebrows that are the fix of that expression. If I'm happy or drunk, it's all in the eyes too. If I'm incredibly pissed off at someone (which is rare), it's also in my eyes. It's not that they give off the impression I'm gonna murder you, it's that the expressiveness turns off completely, so I just look empty. There's no more feedback for knowing how I'm feeling or reacting.

It's a shame that in all the photos featuring me, I box out my eyes. Just looking at my face, mouth and eyebrows aren't enough. It's really the eyes that complete any picture of mine.

I'm not about to reverse my eye-hiding policy, but I just thought like letting you all know.
You're only ever getting half the picture.

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