Saturday, September 20, 2008

And time now begins...

Hello anyone.

Introductions are always hard. You can’t possibly sum-up all of yourself into the 5 sentences you can blurt out, when giving that first handshake or wrapping around for the first hug. This being the internet-and-all, there’s no normal way of basing an initial judgement, so I expect anything I write can be interpreted a whole bunch of ways. Makes you wonder why any bloggers should try this hard to convey a part of themselves to others.

Well, I’ve said the word: Blogger. This blog will be the record for my experiences and thoughts. I’ve been alive for 23 years; born and currently living in Montreal, Canada. Enough things have happened to me to be a good source of entertainment. I know I like to entertain, so I see this as a good medium for me.

A running theme, here, will be myself, my gayness, my friends and my thoughts. I’ve started coming out roughly at the age18, but a better description would be I’ve been coming out to people I know from between the ages of 18 to 22. Right now, pretty much only my family remains as those who don’t know. All parts of my personality are linked and have affected each other greatly. I am many things other than just gay, but being that has tipped the scales in some directions.

I haven’t quite decided how much or how little of myself I will share with you all. I think the level of comfort and amount of detail will soon decide itself. As a first entry I think this is long enough. Maybe my introduction will leave a good impression. Undoubtedly you, the readers, will interpret based on your own personalities and views. I guess I am whoever you want me to be then.


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