Sunday, July 26, 2009

I've been Missing

My growing anger, which doesn't seem to dissipate on its own like it used to, fuels and churns itself to grow larger and larger. Although it doesn't think for me, the feelings target the memories of those to whom I am closest.

Just when I think I'm at the tipping point - when my thoughts weigh myself against those people and their actions, do my friends pull through.

It happens every time.

I'm not sure if it's just their personalities or if I'm just crazy, in some way or another, but this has become a consistency over the last 2 months.

They are my friends. This rage is...something to which I don't yet completely understand the origin.

And no, this should not make any sense to you.

Sorry, I realize reading these posts are frustrating since they don't mean much to you as a reader.

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