Sunday, May 10, 2009

Bring It All Together

As of late, I'm been feeling like Mike and I have been drifting further and further apart as friends. By coincidence, tonight led us to hangout, amongst a groups of friends, without "the usual chaperons of Tim and Xav".

We had the chance to speak about ourselves, call each-other out on minor misgivings and then chat about the going-ons about our greater-groups: urgh, we both disapprove of Keiran and Tim moving in with their respective girlfriends, after it being very clear their women have serious problems and that this is only going to end in horror: Tim has been dating his girlfriend (who I admittedly luv) for about 3 months, and now they've moved in together. Keiran has been seeing his girlfriend for about 1 year, assuming you discount the 3 times she broke up with him - which means their on-off relationship has been extending for 2 years. Man, how do I let my friend do this to themselves...

Then we ate delicious, delicious poutine.

I feel like everything is a little better between us.


dyanna said...

I like your blog. I'm waiting for your new posts.

Thomas said...

Nice, I have a female reader!

Thank you!