Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Love AdBuster, Hate Jumpin Jammerz

While perusing a catalog I found on the train, I saw this. I am tempted to order one of these, just to beg the question: WHO IN THE RIGHT MIND BUYS AN ADULT VERSION OF A PYJAMA-ONE-PIECE?

I must admit, though, that the top-center model's enthusiasm is quite amazing.


Unrelated to the above, I love Love LOVE this article in AdBusters magazine:
Hipster: The Dead End of Western Civilization

(Don't be fooled by the fact that I love to joke about desperately trying to hard to become a hipster...which reminds me, I DESPERATELY need to buy some new extra-tight jeans).

I used to be an avid reader of AdBuster, back in highschool and CEGEP, since both of my schools had subscriptions in the library. From time to time, I take the current issue off the shelf in bookstores, and sit down to read it all. I won't pretend that "I get" or agree with all the topics they cover in each issue, but I do really like their alternative style. The articles, the art and the message...all of it is SO GOOD.

I just ordered a 1 year subscription from them. This would be the first magazine I have found worthy to subscribed to.


JUSTIN said...

We shall need to see pictures of you in your new jeans!

Thomas said...

Don't worry, I'll let you know specifically :P