Saturday, December 13, 2008


I would hope that all of you have experienced an eargasm at least once in your life.

Just like the name suggests, it's like an orgasm, but for the ears. It could be from a new track on the radio or a song fresh from downloading. Something about the instrumental rifts, bass, vocals, lyrics or mix of sounds makes it pure perfection. Maybe you start swaying in your seat or dancing standing up or just lying down thinking about whatever image the song brings up in your mind. Either way, it's memorable, amazing and you feel like for just a moment you were touched by God, if you believe in that.

Then, you want to listen to it again and again and again.

It's the normal "hey, I like this song". It's so much more... I mean, how would you explain what an orgasm feels lie? You can't exactly. You just need to experience it for yourself. Same thing with the intensity of the eargasm.

I guess I can make the comparison to being super high or very drunk, but it's nothing like either of those. Whatever the situation, it just feels great, memorable and so exceptional (although being drunk/high is probably not memorable at all).

Personally, I tend to be the type to dance while sitting - a lot of bobbing of the head, wording the lyrics without making noise and just plain FUCKING RULING THAT MOMENT.

I realize this post brings out the worst in my hipster-wanna-be-ness, but whatever. You spent the time to read the post so it's actually your fault. Haha, blame yourself!

To end off this post, here is one song that has given me an eargasm. In all honestly, I would be amazed if anyone listened to the song from beginning to end, since when a blogger throws up a song in a post I typically can't stand it for more than 20 seconds before I decide I dislike the song and close that internet window. I am indeed full on my way to hipster-douche (YYYEEESSSSSSSS!!!).

The above song is My Girls - by Animal Collective

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