Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Yey Christmas!

Christmas and the holidays are upon us!

I've always really enjoyed Christmas, for the presents, the food, the family (even them) and my parent's house's transformation. Since being little kids, we've always gone all-out for Christmas decorating. It looks like Mrs. Santa-herself exploded in the living room, leaving themed decorations behind. I'm also quite proud that among all the mini deers, Santas, stuffed-dolls, pictures and hang-ables, there is not a single Jesus included in the decorations.

Of course, today is Christmas Eve, which means Christmas is not here yet. Today's the traditional day where I hide the fuck away from my Mom because she always goes ape-shit crazy. In her mind, nothing is clean enough, none of the food will be prepared in time, no one is dressed appropriately for this evening's [annoying] guests. Regardless of how much we help out, she's always out to get us, although me in particular. I can dress the same as my brothers but I apparently always look like a bum. Oh well.

To make "Irritated-Mom" time pass faster, I've been watching the DVDs of Planet Earth on my laptop. I love this series because of natural landscapes and animals it shows. I don't think I've mentioned this before but I am big on animals and nature. 7 years of previous jobs center on working with animals and other living things, in different fields. Several times while watching the DVDs, I heard my heart break from cute overload. The narrator, David Attenborough, is perfect. I wish he was my British Grandfather (I never knew either of my Grandfathers) so that I could just listen to his voice forever.

A classic Christmas Day story for me happened about 4 or 5 years ago, when I used to work for a veterinarian hospital. I was the weekend & holiday guy, who came in on my own to feed and medicate [and play with] the animals, along with taking the dogs out for a walk. That year, I worked Christmas morning at 7am, so that I could get home before lunchtime for present-opening. Whilst taking one of those tiny, fluffy annoying/cute dogs for walk (I'm more a fan of the Lab or Husky), the leash broke and the dog decided to make his run for freedom. It became a game for him, since he saw I was running full speed after him, as he ran and swerved across all the streets and through random backyards.

After about 1.5 hours of me chasing, I lost the dog. So I walked back towards the vet hospital, freaking out about what I could possibly tell the owner when they would come to pick up little Fluffy. "I'm sorry sir/ma'am, but I lost your dog on Christmas and he's gone forever."
As I neared the door, I saw that the stupid dog decided to follow me back to the vet building, thinking our game was done. I unlocked the door, pushed it open wide and watched as the little dog just walked right in, as happy as can be. Well, I gave him the biggest kick ever - he deserved it. I am so thankful it happened on Christmas Day though, because any other day of the week the area would have been teeming with car traffic, so Fluffy would have definitely been turned into Smushy, when he was running across all the streets. On that particular morning, I actually saw only 1 car actually going somewhere.

To end this post, whether I know a bit about you, the reader, or whether you're just a "silent reader", I hope you have a good Christmas and/or holiday break. Live within your means and if you're on your own tomorrow then put in a good movie or two.

Here's a classic David Attenborough/Planet Earth moment for you: Click here, since YouTube won't let me embed the video.

1 comment:

JUSTIN said...

Merry Christmas to you!