Saturday, December 27, 2008


Hello All.

Here is a teaser of what will be the partial subject of my blog for the next two posts. This is an email I received not recently, but 2.5 years ago, from a stranger. I will not describe the context or the situation, to which he refers, right now. I'm saving that for tomorrow. It's safe to say, this will be one of my favorite stories of the WindsThatYouRise blog. I have not edited the text below, which I copy/pasted from one of my email addresses, so it is the clear stream of someone's thoughts.


Thanks for the e-mail anyways, it was thoughful of you.

To be honest, I was really really nervous to do that. I think I was a little daring cause I am not from Montreal and just on a little vacation. I am staying at [My University's] Residence actually for the week.

If I can explain the offer a little more, you might have second thoughts, so I hope you don't mind me giving it a second try. I figure your completely straight, so don't think I did it cause I thought you were gay or anything. In fact, after giving it to you, I was kinda scared, just ran out of the area really fast and though after 30 minutes, that was really different of me, but I will most likely never hear from him anyways.

Anyways, here goes anyways... I really am a nice person, I work in accounting/tax preparation. I went to Western University in London and then Ryerson in Toronto. I really am your most normal guy. Anyways, I really thought you were very cute. I noticed that you where stretching your arms and moving your shoulders about .. I thought you might be a little more interested in getting a great back and shoulder massage. I know getting a note from a stranger like that might seem strange, but .. well, I gave it to you I guess. Perhaps if we e-mail each other a little, you might change your mind? My thinking is, "Well, if that guy seems nice, and decent, well, a really good back/neck massage might be good... but nothing else. I might give it a try for 10 minutes and if I feel comfortable, I'd let him massage me longer, If not then well, I will just leave." Which is perfectly fine with me. I'd also be interested in giving a full massage to you also, if your interested? I know, you just said no, but, I have met a totally straight guy, who is a friend now, and he let me massage him,, he loved it actually." You can set the rules, and I would be more then happy to follow them. You would never do anything to me, you would just receive and relax. nothing else.

Anyways, I hope you don't mind me e-mailing you again. Just giving you a back/neck massage would make my week while in Montreal.. and it would of course be safe, and hopefully, I seem like a nice person to get one from?

Anyways, sorry, had to ask again. Again, I am staying at [My University's] rez until the weekend, so if you seem at all interested or anything, please let me know. My name is Todd by the way.

Thanks again for writing back

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