Sunday, March 15, 2009

Hipster Chronicles

Hipster Chronicles - Entry #427

Sunday March 15th, 2009

Dear Wanna-Be Hipster Diary,

I feel like I'm getting closer and closer to my goal. Just today, when my haircutter was styling my hair, he said "There, now you're hair has that indie-feel." O-M-G, I almost jumped up and kissed him, but I luckily remembered to suppress my visible emotions. I know! I didn't forget my hipster training AND I look even more the role. I was so deck.

But wait, there's more!

I then found and bought my first-ever pair of skinny jeans. This is so amazing, because I've been feeling so lost without them - I mean, what type of hipster wears normal pants? Exactly, they've been laughing at me for months, calling me midtown. Well now I've upped my game and I blend in perfectly!

I called up my friend to tell her how I'm getting closer and closer to hipsterdom and all she could say was "Oh God what have you unleashed!?". What a great compliment, eh?

I wanted to show her exactly what I looked like by taking photos of myself, but then my camera died. What shitty luck... so I instead listened to AIDS Wolf while chain smoking to make myself feel better.

I love talking with you wanna-be hipster diary. You're the only one that understands how hard it is to try this hard.


PS: See you tomorrow!


The only 3 relevant, true(ish) details are:
yes I did get that haircut,
I do now own skinny jeans
and I actually did try to take a picture with my looking as hipster as possible. How sad/wonderful!

And no, I don't normally actually know those hipster linked-words. The internet showed me those. I would shoot myself in the eye before I ever used those words or became friends with someone who used them.


JUSTIN said...

Man, I cannot wait for the hipster trend to die a brutal death (with the exception of the skinny jean trend - I like those).

Thomas said...