Monday, April 6, 2009

Canadian Movies? Oh God

Anyone ever seen a Canadian movie?

No? Ya, I didn't think so...

Ok, have any of you ever heard of a Canadian movie?

No you don't count if you actually live in Canada.

Alright, so apart from the movie C.R.A.Z.Y., no you haven't...

Yup, that's the Canadian movie industry for you. It's pretty much poop. If I 'm ever checking out what's on the Movie Network, I know that anything labeled as a Canadian movie is almost always not worth it. I don't know why we can have such a thriving movie and special-effects industry that serves American movie productions, without actually being able to make a good movie ourselves. Anything that gets churned by the Film Board of Canada is almost always a watered-down version of an American movie: an attempt at some sort of exciting, explosive drama/comedy/action movie that is plagued by zero plot, zero acting and zero interest.

This is saying a lot because I am all gun-ho about my Canada.

That being said, there are some exceptions FEW AND FAR BETWEEN.

One good Canadian film though, as I said above, is C.R.A.Z.Y., a Quebec-original movie that got lots of publicity when it came out in 2005. The movie takes place just outside of Montreal and follows the growing up and coming-out of a young (hot!) kid in the 60s and 70s. It pretty much centers around love.
I've said this once before: I tend to dislike most gay/coming-out themed movies because the plots is just dump or it has a really big corny feel to it. C.R.A.Z.Y. has none of that.

If you rent it/download it, make sure the get subtitles since it's filmed in French.

Although this next film doesn't flow as nicely as the one above, it still has a special little place in my heart. Siblings, which came out in 2004, is an awesomely dark comedy about two brothers and two sisters who try their best to deal with their god-awful parents. They joke about killing them, and then one day they take the next step...

Best series of lines ever:

Guy that likes Girl: I've done terrible things...

Girl that likes Guy: I'm sure I've been through worse - let's hear it.

Guy that likes Girl: I killed my father.

Girl that likes Guy: I got expelled from high school for doing crystal meth with the Dean's 14 year old son.

Guy that likes Girl: I crushed my Mom's head in with a crowbar.

Girl that likes Guy: I had sex with the whole basketball team.

Guy that likes Girl: I used to hide outside your bedroom window and jerk-off for months.

Girl that likes Guy: Ya, I know. I liked it.

I would be surprised if any of you could actually rent/buy/download this movie. Canadian movies don't really get big distributors. YouTube seems to have someone who posted up random intervals of the movie, but all together they only add up to about 30 minutes of the film. Meh, whatever, here's clip #1 of that series in case you feel like watching a bunch of clips from the movie, without them making much sense:


JUSTIN said...

C.R.A.Z.Y. is good shit. [Side note: the main character's father looks EAXTACLY like my landlord, which is odd since he's Greek]

Not sure if this counts as a true Canadian flick, but you should check out Miroir Noir on! I'm rocking out to it at this very moment.

Thomas said...

I'll need to check that out tomorrow, thanks!