Sunday, April 5, 2009

Here's Some Advice

So, the next time that your friend (let's theoretically name him Mike) tells you not to screw around in his new apartment/condo, you should probably listen to him.

When he goes out for a smoke, with this theoretical girlfriend, you should not get your friend (let's theoretically name him Tim) to boost you up onto a mysterious 2nd level of the room (imagine the room to a bathroom that has a space of 3 feet between its own roof and the main loft's roof) in hopes of having fun and scaring said theoretical friends when they return from having a smoke. Of course, one should not decide to jump down from such a height, to land awkwardly and potentially break your foot.

By theoretically breaking one's foot, I mean needing crutches to comfortably move around because simply standing on on of your feet hurts a lot.

Ya, I think that's some good advice.


JUSTIN said...

OUCH! So is it broken or just really sore?

Thomas said...

Let's see what the doctors say tomorrow.