Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Secret Identity Revealed!....Repeatedly and Often!

I'm amazed by my poor ability to maintain by semi-private identity. Since I tend to write my posts all in one shot, and usually late at night, my proof-reading consists of a quick scan or two before posting and turning off my computer. In my eagerness to finish a post, I've forgotten plenty of times to replace my normal, popular name with my pseudo-name: Thomas (which is also a true name, but just less popular). I've fucked up plenty of times too with the pseudo names of my friends.

Eventually I re-read the post over the next half day (I love to review my posts - I guess I'm narcissistic about my writing) and catch the mistake...probably too late for people to have already seen it. Oh well, I'm not too scared of people tracking me down anyway.

Same thing goes for blocking out the eyes in pictures I post. Quite a few times I post the unedited versions (why do I have to save both versions in the same damn folder!?) and only catch that in a day.

I suck at mild secrecy.

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