Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Googly Eyes

Guys, what have I told you about leaving glue and craft supplies lying around? I understand you got them for your class, but you all know Thomas is like a little kid - you can't trust him around that stuff. He just goes wild. He'd probably end up choking on the glue-stick or something.

Wait. Who's been using my camera? Ah damnit, Thomas already knows you bought the stuff.

The best remark I've gotten about these photos is
"As ever, your right hand remains your best friend."
Please feel free to try to beat that.


Anonymous said...

"Typical!" splutters Thomas' left hand. "I'm the one with the intimate relationship with Thomas, yet do I ever get any recognition, or special treatment? No! Just you wait..."

Thomas said...

Nice attempt Stu ;)

FYI: 95% of the time it's my right hand that shares the intimacy, of course you couldn't possibly have known that.
Oh but when the left joins in, those are unforgettable nights...