Saturday, November 22, 2008

The Retreat of a Nation

Mike: No, you don't mean it!

Liz: Yes I do!

Tim: Don't do it, you can't take it back!

Liz: I don't care! I've had enough!

Other Friend1: Stop her!

Mike's Girlfriend: This can't be right.

So after a few (many) beers, Liz made a rash decision to declare her emancipation from dating, as written on a napkin in the bar. Tired of putting her resources (herself) out-there, even though my independent nation of Thomas was so impressed by her, she had had enough. At least 3 minutes had been put into writing out her proclamation of surrender:

Click to enlarge
Here's is a copy of the official bilingual transcript:

Treaty of Bishop Street:
I hereby declare that all my troops, efforts, hopes and attempts at finding any meaningful romantic relationship are now withdrawn.
[Translated from French]: I, who's signature is below, has read and understands all the agreements and clauses presented.
Signed: Liz's Real Name

We tried our best to hold her hand back from signing the official napkin-document, but it was too late.

Me: You don't mean that! Come on, you were doing well!

Liz: They were all losers! The last guy wasn't worth my time.

Mike, the present representative of the bar's court, attempted to over-rule the declaration, however he was too drunk to form a coherent sentence: "Judge Mike Sez No" did not mean anything according to the bar's legislature.

With the Nation of Liz recalling its troops from all foreign outreaches, it marks a dark day for the hopes of other Independent Nations finding meaningful luv out in the battlefield. If the strongest of us cannot prevail, how can other nations, such as Thomas, possible have hope of salvation?

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