Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Brownie High

It's 11:40 am right now. I'm currently in a meeting at work. I'm also high out of my mind.

Last night, Liz and I got together to use the weed, that had been sitting in my desk for the last year (entertaining post here), to make some weed-brownies. She had done it before and I never had, so obviously I was excited about the process.

We combined all the normal ingredients, cut up the buds and added them in with some melted butter, and then added that stuff to the main mix. After some oven-cooking time, we each ate a really large chunk of brownie. We then sat on the couch, talked, watched from antennae-TV and waited.

And waited.

And waited.

And waited...

2 hours later, neither of us felt anything. We both assumed my old, old weed was a dud. Since I was hungry, I ate more brownies.

We kept hanging out, I did nearly fall into 1 or 2 laughing fits, but it was under control. OK, so maybe the brownies were finally affecting me a bit...

Eventually it's midnight, so Liz needs to sleep and I need to catch the metro home. Everything seems normal and sitting in the metro car waiting for my stop.

...And the metro feels like it's going really fast....
...And yet I feel like the metro is traveling for 20 minutes before it arrives at the next stop...
...And I kept losing focus and just starring out at nothing, over and over again...
...And I'm feeling pretty damn happy, for no real reason...

Great, so 4 hours later it needs to kick in?

Eventually, I'm home and in front of my computer at 1 am. I started trying to type this post, but it's too hard to be productive at this point. The computer screen kept getting fuzzy, my muscles practically turned to jelly, the world started spinning and I couldn't concentrate. Sounds like a good time to go to sleep.

Now I'm awake and the world is still spinning. I'm in a meeting and trying my best to concentrate on what people are saying, but I jut can't focus on any of it. Clearly this will be unproductive day, although since 9am the feeling has diminished a lot.

I kind of find this hilarious, because whenever I've smoked pot I've either felt nothing or combined my smoking with significant amounts of alcohol. When I think about it, or at least as little thinking I can successfully achieve right now, I'm never been just completely high without the masking drunk effect. Assuming eating weed-brownies is the same high as just smoking a ton, this is pretty fun.

I think I'll eat the other 4 pieces sitting in my bag this Friday, and go meet up with my friends when I'm high out of my mind. Hahaha, what else am I suppose to do with them?

Time to try and go back to work...

1 comment:

JUSTIN said...

It probably took 4 hours since the stuff was so old. Usually, at least for me, when I eat that shit it kicks in RIGHT away and I'm totally useless.